Dimensions: 1.5625" x 80mm x 18mm x 34mm (Wi) Also available non-relubricable. Remove G suffix Common Interchanges SB208-25G FHS208-25-G Peer B8-25 AMI SB208-25KP8G5 FYH SB208 25G SKF SB20825G Interchange information...Dimensions: 1.5625" x 80mm x 18mm x 34mm (Wi) Also available non-relubricable. Remove G suffix Common Interchanges SB208-25G FHS208-25-G Peer B8-25 AMI SB208-25KP8G5 FYH SB208 25G SKF SB20825G Interchange information...
Dimensions: 1.5625" x 80mm x 18mm x 34mm (Wi) Non-Relubricable. Also available relubricable. Add G suffix Common Interchanges SB208-25 FHS208-25 Peer SB208-25KG5 FYH SB208 25 SKF SB20825 Interchange information is...Dimensions: 1.5625" x 80mm x 18mm x 34mm (Wi) Non-Relubricable. Also available relubricable. Add G suffix Common Interchanges SB208-25 FHS208-25 Peer SB208-25KG5 FYH SB208 25 SKF SB20825 Interchange information is...
Dimensions: 40mm x 80mm x 18mm x 34mm (Wi) Also available non-relubricable. Remove G suffix Common Interchanges SB208-40MMG FHS208-40MM-G Peer SB208G B8 AMI SB208KP8G5 FYH AS208D1 NTN SB208 40MMG SKF...Dimensions: 40mm x 80mm x 18mm x 34mm (Wi) Also available non-relubricable. Remove G suffix Common Interchanges SB208-40MMG FHS208-40MM-G Peer SB208G B8 AMI SB208KP8G5 FYH AS208D1 NTN SB208 40MMG SKF...
Dimensions: 40mm x 80mm x 18mm x 34mm (Wi) Non-Relubricable. Also available relubricable. Add G suffix Common Interchanges SB208-40MM FHS208-40MM Peer SB208 SB208KG5 FYH AS208 NTN SB208 40MM SKF Interchange...Dimensions: 40mm x 80mm x 18mm x 34mm (Wi) Non-Relubricable. Also available relubricable. Add G suffix Common Interchanges SB208-40MM FHS208-40MM Peer SB208 SB208KG5 FYH AS208 NTN SB208 40MM SKF Interchange...
Dimensions: 50mm x 80mm x 18mm x 34mm. Go Cart Axel 50mm. 3 Set Srcews. These are the very popular 80mm Outside Diameter used now in OTK and CRG Karts...Dimensions: 50mm x 80mm x 18mm x 34mm. Go Cart Axel 50mm. 3 Set Srcews. These are the very popular 80mm Outside Diameter used now in OTK and CRG Karts...
Dimensions: 50mm x 90mm x 20mm x 43.5mm (Wi) Non-Relubricable. Also available relubricable. Add G suffix Common Interchanges SB210-50MMK ZZ Interchange information is provided as a guide only. Click For...Dimensions: 50mm x 90mm x 20mm x 43.5mm (Wi) Non-Relubricable. Also available relubricable. Add G suffix Common Interchanges SB210-50MMK ZZ Interchange information is provided as a guide only. Click For...